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Fan Works, Hacking

SHC 2021: The Results Are In

2021’s Sonic Hacking Contest has officially come to a close. For those who’ve been playing, or even those just watching others, its clear there’s been some great games this year. Sonic 1 Definitive, Hellfire Saga, Shivery Mountainside, and Sonic 2 Mania SHC2021 Demo have shone out as the overall favorites of the competition, but they’re certainly not the only games worthy of praise (or worthy of an award!)

Continue on after the jump to check out the overall top three’s plus the winners of every award handed out this year.

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Fan Works, Hacking

Sonic Hacking Contest 2021 Is Now Live

Hey there! Just a friendly reminder that today, the Sonic Hacking Contest 2021 is up and running! Last week, the official trailer went up, which you can check out above. The week is looking to be an exciting one, the streaming schedule packed with some of your favorite personalities from the Sonic Tubeaverse, along with a smattering of Developer Streams sprinkled in there. But we all know why you want to go – it’s the games. This year, there’s 41 entries to vote on, plus another 40 games that are part of the expo. To check them all out, be sure to head to the official website and give them a go, then vote for your favorites. Remember, you have until until the end of the 16th to vote on the Community Trophies and Contest Entries, so don’t wait until the last minute if you want to take part!


Fan Works, Hacking

Sonic Hacking Contest Now Accepting Submissions

A few months ago, we let everyone know the when’s and the where’s regarding 2021’s Sonic Hacking Contest. For those hard at work coming up with something they hope will dazzle and wondering when they can submit their entries, wait no longer! Submissions for SHC2021 officially opened the 10th of August, and will continue to be open until next month.

Due to some unforeseen delays getting the site ready for submissions, the original contest deadline announced back in March has been extended. The new dates are down below:

CONTEST DEADLINE – End of Sunday 12th September
UPDATES DEADLINE – End of Sunday 19th September
EXPO DEADLINE – End of Sunday 26th September
CONTEST WEEK – Monday 11th to Sunday 17th October

So if you were worried about getting things done in time, that extra week will hopefully be enough, if you’re wanting to be part of the contest. Either way, the show is still set to go on come October. For all the details, be sure to read the newsletter so you don’t miss out on how to get your work in the show.

To keep up to date, be sure to follow the SHC on Twitter, and don’t forget that you can still chat about it on the Retro forums.

[Source: Sonic Hacking Contest Official Site]

Community, Fan Works, Hacking

The Sonic Hacking Contest 2019 Site is Live!

Just a few short weeks after SAGE 2019, the Sonic Hacking Contest 2019 site is live! As noted on the site’s main page, account registration is still separate from the Sonic Retro or SSRG forums. However, existing accounts from 2018 should still be live, though to access them, you’ll need to use the password reset before logging in. This year, entrants will be able to submit as many entries as they like, provided they follow the contest rules. The SHC 2019 contest submission deadline is November 3rd, updates to said submissions allowed until November 10th, expo submissions due by November 17th, and finally, the contest itself running from December 2nd to the 8th.

Community, Hacking

Sonic Hacking Contest 2019 Announced With a New Distribution System for Trophies

The annual Sonic Hacking Contest has once again been announced by Spanner over on the forums. This year sees many big new changes, largely with how the trophies will be categorized and distributed. With 3D entries overtaking the classic, more traditional hacks, last year, the following was decided:

Entries will be graded top 3 overall in the respective common submission formats/categories:
“Retro”, “3D” and “2D PC”. Various “general” categories, subject to different interpretation based
on submission format such as “best visually appealing” or “best sounding” will also be split in the
following manner.

There are some expected growing pains, as the announcement notes that certain trophies among the new system may not be applicable. This, of course, will depend entirely on what is submitted this year and how the voting shakes out. The contest is currently slated for December 2nd through December 8th, and you can get the deadlines for submissions, contest rules, and further details over on the forum. And as always, is live for all the entries from previous years.
[Source Topic: Sonic Hacking Contest 2019]

Fan Works, Hacking

Sonic Hacking Contest 2018 Now Accepting Entries

Retro user and SHC Judge Spanner is relaying the message that this year’s Sonic Hacking Contest is now accepting entries for hacks and mods. In addition entrants are encouraged to submit their own footage for this year’s trailer and encourages submissions of workshops. Details can found in this forum post, on the SSRG forums or below the jump.
The contest week is set for Monday through Sunday, 26th of November to the 2nd of December. To learn more about the rules and trophy guidelines you can check out the contest’s new website by visiting
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Community, Fan Works, Hacking, Site News

Results from the 2016 Sonic Hacking Contest

The Hacking Contest for this year has concluded, and the results are in! Spanner a.k.a. SOTI has provided a write up on the forums for this year’s winners as well as some general thoughts on this year’s contest overall. You can read more information on the results on the Retro forums here. You can also hear reactions from the contest judges and see the winners in action on the Results Show hosted by MegaGWolf here. Hit the jump to see the winners for all the trophies of this year chosen by both contest judges and community members.
Hidden Palace Trophy
1st Place
Sonic: Scorched Quest (SHC’16 pre-final) by Team Painto
Wood Zone trophy
2nd Place
Sonic: Virtual Adventure (SHC 2016 Demo) by Ladego Team
HONOURABLE MENTION: Sonic 2 ReMastered by MrCat (very split decision with this trophy)

Dust Hill Trophy
3rd Place
Untitled Sonic 1 Hack by jubbalub
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Community, Fan Works, Hacking

The Sonic Hacking Contest 2016 is Live!

The 2016 Sonic Hacking Contest site is live, with 54 different hacks and mods to download and play! No account is required to play or download any of the hacks, but make sure to sign in with your Sonic Retro or SSRG account to vote on the community trophies. Also check the schedule for near-round the clock streams from folks like SomeCallMeJohnny, MegaGWolf, RedHotSonic and many more!
Downloading hacks are open until Sunday the 13th. Some mods you’ll encounter include ROM hacks of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic Pocket Adventure as well as mods for PC versions of the original Sonic Adventure DX release, Sonic Generations and Sonic Lost World. Check them out today!