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History of Sonic

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Feature: A History of Sonic The Hedgehog Podcast, Tom Campbell

Everyone loves podcasts. Podcasts are great, and with some countries still imposing lockdown measures into early 2021, the mini podcast renaissance we’re experiencing looks set to hold with so many working from home or otherwise just having more time on their hands – but what is surprising is the relatively small number of Sonic-related offerings out there.

This is where Tom Campbell comes in. Well-known to wrestling fans for his work at Cultaholic, Tom has launched a new podcast series called A History of Sonic the Hedgehog which covers, well… Sonic’s history. It’s all fairly self-explanatory, but there are a few things that set this effort apart. Not only is it extremely well produced, it’s absolutely packed with information while keeping things relatively brief and is peppered with various snippets of adverts and interviews from back in the day to tie everything together, as well as a few new interviews and some roundtable discussions that give the whole thing a nice personal touch.

Episode 1 and 2 go over the history of the main series games with a few pit stops along the way and while the amount of new information here will depend largely on how familiar you yourself already are with the tale (and why not acquaint yourself with our wiki?), the way it’s all presented here is very entertaining. Episode 3 goes into the history of the comics and touches mostly on Fleetway and Archie with a quick swing around to IDW to close it out. This episode is utterly fantastic for anyone with even a passing interest in any of these comics, featuring interviews with Nigel Kitching, Michael Stephenson, Ken Penders and Ian Flynn! What a line-up!

All in all, this is not only a fantastically well-written and well-produced look into the entire Sonic franchise, it’s origins and history and how things got to where they are today, it’s also a love letter to it from someone who is very clearly a passionate, lifelong fan and whose expertise has allowed him to do it the justice it deserves. It goes without saying that I think you should absolutely check it out wherever you get your podcasts from, or go straight to the source!

I reached out to Tom to ask him a few questions about the podcast and his plans with it, and what brought him here in the first place. I was pleasantly surprised by his final answer and you might be too! Hit the jump to read on.

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History of Sonic the Hedgehog Delayed for Quality, On Track for Holiday Release

Not long ago, a French-language book chronicling the Sonic series’ lifespan was confirmed to have been adopted by publishing group Udon Entertainment for release in English. Some have noted that the original release date of Oct. 15 on Amazon was changed to early Jan. 2013. Udon has since posted a clarification for the delay on their blog, with an additional ray of hope for fans.

Unhappy with the quality of the translation the company gave the book, Udon has decided to retranslate the whole publication to offer an easier to read translation. “The reason for the delay from the original shipping date comes entirely down to quality: we wanted to make this book the very best it could be,” a representative of the Udon team said. “When we put up our initial preview pages along with the book’s announcement this summer, some fans noticed that the writing was a little bit stiff.”

The company assures fans to look forward to seeing the books ship out sometime in early to mid December, just in time for the Holidays. Those in the U.K. will also be able to grab copies of the English translation as well as Udon will be the only International vendor (which should quell concerns of the book originally being canceled over there.)

Ash Paulsen, an associate editor at Udon, is the gentleman behind the translation project, and from my own experience with the Mega Man artbooks Udon has put out, the quality is top notch, taking great care in details and the cleanliness of the product. Just take a look at the 12-page preview on their page. If you consider yourself a Sonic buff or know one and are looking for a good present, this is definitely worth taking a look.

Game Secrets, Interviews

Pix N Love’s History of Sonic Book in English Arrives this September

In lieu of a major Sonic title coming out, the 300 page hardcover book from French publisher Pix N Love will finally see a release in the Americas courtesy of Udon Entertainment who have issued a press release revealing the book will be made available in September. The book has been put up for pre-order for quite some time on, however Sega’s official blog has put up new scans of the book in English. At least, the big letters can be read in English.

For those unfamiliar, Pix N Love Publishing has been putting in efforts bringing up the detailed history of foreign developers and individuals through print format with interviews, product catalogs and provides an insight on the subject matter’s history. Unlike most other books from the publisher, the History of Sonic is going to be rolled up together into one book. Covering the history all the way up to Sonic Generations, complete with developer interviews and more in one hardcover bound book. In addition, with the publishing deal from Udon Entertainment, it will be guaranteed a wider distribution in the states, as opposed to the publisher sending out books to customers from it’s native country France. Currently pre-orders are available solely through More information as it develops.

[Source: The Sonic Stadium, Udon, Sega Blog]


Pix ‘N Love Set To Release L’Histoire de Sonic The Hedgehog

One of the things I’ve always lamented about is the fact that there has never been a proper written history of Sonic the Hedgehog. Sure, the story has been touched upon by short and/or poorly made documentaries, and the English did have magazines about the history of Sonic. However, there has never been a comprehensive single printed volume of the twists and turns of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. That is about to all change…as long as you’re able to speak French.

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