Game News

Second Sonic CD Trailer Commands Changing The Future

With Sonic Generations dropping in less than two weeks, sights are beginning to move to the next point for Sonic as he hits the Past signpost and revisits a more simple time where Time Stones, Metal Sonic and Rosie the Rascal where some of his bigger headaches.

Sega released a new trailer for Sonic CD, powered by Christian “The Taxman” Whitehead’s Retro Engine, showing off how the game looks in its new wide screen perspective as Quartz Quadrant’s International Present music jams on in the background under a random announcer. Not much more to say outside of it’s Sonic CD as you truly remember it, only with a wider perspective and a different soundtrack for the U.S. folks.

Before jumping the gun on the Sonic 4 mention, please remember that Sega’s own Sonic Digital Brand Manager Ken Balough clarified that Sonic CD‘s story will be a pivotal point in Sonic 4: Episode II, especially given the Metal Sonic nod after completing Episode I with all seven Chaos Emeralds in tow.

Sonic CD is scheduled to boom onto Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, PC Download services, and the iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7 app stores later this year.

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  • Reply

    Loving how the game looks so far! Can’t wait to play it!

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    Oh my god this trailer is so 90’s I love it.

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    Professor Utonium is moonlighting on SEGA adverts?Ā 

  • Reply

    Oh god I am so confused, I know that Sonic CD is being shoehorned into the Sonic 4 brand, but saying “See where the Sonic 4 Saga began…” just confuses me because there was nothing to make me think that the two had any connection before, and to try and imagine it now is just infuriating.

    I know I may be alone on this one, but so far I don’t like what Sega is doing. If doing this means completely changing the direction of Sonic 4 ep 2 for the better (hopefully using the new fan engine) then I’m all on board, but so far I’m not convinced.

    • Reply

      Try reading the link I put in. It should straighten things out. If not, let me nail down a few things:

      -Episode 2 is not using the Retro Engine. Retro Engine’s licensing was a Sega of America negotiation. Sega of Japan is handling Sonic 4-2 autonomous of SoA’s actions. If anything, look at Generations’ 2D segments to get a better idea of what to expect.
      -At the moment, Sonic CD has no direct shoehorning with Sonic 4. 4-1 started as a way to bring back 2D Sonic and play a little nostalgia with familiar level tropes and bosses (To everyone, please save any arguments or opinions you may have. The Internet’s heard enough on the issue.)
      -With 4-2, at least plot wise, they’re going for a “Sonic CD sequel”, in that its story depends on the events of Sonic CD significantly (which is as much as Ken Balough has said publicly so far.) Otherwise, Sonic CD is still the same as always, in the same ambiguous slot in the canon (since fans threw a fit originally at that point.)

      You’re welcome to remain skeptical, as I’m sure many people are after 4-1, but I’m just spreading some knowledge to help clear things up.

  • Reply

    I’m sorry if I sounded irrational, but it’s hard to describe the kind of reaction I’m having with Sonic CD having relation to Sonic 4’s plot. I’ll have to see what direction they go with Ep.2 before I get too bent out of shape, but this trailer just left a weird taste in my mouth.

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    That was Mag-freaking-neto!

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    Oh whoa, they are really using Taxman’s engine? I need to go find the first trailer.

  • Reply

    Do they think that this won’t sell unless they tie it to Sonic 4? I’m confused.

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    Is it just me or does the Announcer sound like Microsoft Sam v2.0?

  • Reply

    Essentially the Sonic 4 noise equates to “Sonic 4 Episode 2 has Metal Sonic – he first showed up in Sonic CD, just thought we’d let you know”.

    It’s tedious and unnecessary marketing best left ignored. Unless there’s an opportunity to point out how tedious and unnecessary it is.

  • Reply

    Sounds to me like they’re using the anticipation and favouritism of Sonic CD to hold up the Sonic 4 franchise. I bet when they first started S4 they never even intended to link the two together, despite the appearance of Metal Sonic. I’m mean he’s in everything these days anyway.

  • Reply

    …get your sonic 4 saga out of my sonic CD

  • Reply

    Haters gonna hate, but I always considered Sonic CD to fit after Sonic 3&K because of the perfected Metal Sonic design. Sonic 2 and Sonic CD were both intended to be sequels to Sonic 1, but because Sonic 2 started a saga that ended with Sonic 3&K it only makes sense to place CD after instead of prior.

  • Reply

    But it also makes complete sense to place CD before Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Using Metal Sonic as a reason as to why it has to be after just doesn’t make much sense to me. Dr. Eggman may have spent the moments before Sonic CD perfecting Metal Sonic, but Mecha Sonic looks to be just a bit easier to make. Just a bit cheaper. Mecha Sonic wasn’t designed to finish off Sonic the Hedgehog the way the Death Egg Robot behind the curtain was meant to. And Mecha Sonic from Sonic 3 & Knuckles? He is upgraded, sure. But Eggman can have two different lines of robots. Just look at his entire robotic armada.
    If you want to get really funny, you can talk about how Eggman uses Mecha Sonic again in Sonic Pocket Adventure…or how he designs a Mecha Knuckles in Sonic Advance even though a Metal Knuckles exists in Sonic R.

  • Reply

    what? no PC? šŸ˜®

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    wow they make this in widescreen but sonic adventure wasent :/

  • Reply

    Do not associate a Classic Masterpiece with a Modern Failure.. This is just SEGA being too damn lazy to make Episode 3, so they shoved CD in after Episode 1 and said Episode 2 will be the finisher. Oh and this trailer.. Seriously? Travel through time, Fight the past, and Save the future? The game isn’t even dramatic at all, it’s just levels changing their colors and layouts, with a few tweaks to their music. I understand the concept of a 90s-style commercial but knowing how these games were never THAT dramatic or exciting as the commercials made them out to be, it’s completely unnecesary. Sonic CD is 18 years old and now they’re recycling it to supposedly tell a story no one cares about.. the Sonic 4 Story.

  • Reply

    I saw this coming miles away.

    All I know is that SEGA will SOMEHOW link to Sonic Adventure’s popularity next by saying that Episode 3 will be a direct PREQUEL to Sonic Adventure 1. Mark my words, lol. They’ll think of something. Ā 

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    That announcer is SO CORNY!

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    Yes. Though when I think of Sonic CD, I think of it as non-canon. Like most new games, but a lot better.

    I’m not going to like the fact that it uses the Japanese soundtrack, so I never though I’d see the day where I play Sonic CD muted. Unless it has a US soundtrack option. The US soundtrack fits the game better.

    I am not trying to start a stupid fight with people who like the Japanese soundtrack, I’m just expressing my honest opinion.

  • Reply

    It feels so 90’s!

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    Sonic CD was born from the womb of Naoto Ohshima, Sonic’s original designer.


  • Reply

    I’mĀ contemplatingĀ onĀ whetherĀ I should get this game or not and for what console. Also, who makes these trailers for the games? No offense, but they go all over the place, I swear.

  • Reply

    Sonic CD is my favorite sonoc game.. Oh the memories.. But I don’t think I’ll be buying this.. The lack of the us soundtrack is a deal breaker for me, it’s what I grew up with, and the japanese/uk one doesn’t sound quite right to me. I plan on buying a sega CD and sonic CD (plus a few other sega cd games) for Christmas so I’m good. The new widescreen HD whatever sounds cool and all, but it’s not worth parting with the soundtrack I grew up with. But I digress.. It IS a step in the right direction, on sega’s part (minus the whole “sonic CD is a prequel to sonic 4” thing) maybe we’ll see knuckles chaotix being re-released sometime next year, which I highly doubt, seeing as how it’s never been re-released.. But I guy can hope… Right?

    • Reply

      Sorry about the typos, iphone users are epecially prone to them :/

  • Reply

    I love how the game about time travel is being subjected to revised canon ordering.Ā 

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    First Sega game I’ll have paid for in a long time.

  • Reply

    I grew up with the US soundtrack. Needless to say, I love it.

    But this game is supposedly running at 60fps, with the Japanese / European soundtrack? This will be like a new experience to me. Definitely buy. Will this have Trophies/achievements?

  • Reply

    This isn’t that shitty fake Widescreen where the screen is stretched with more pixels, is it?

    Also the U.S. soundtrack sucks and I’ll never understand why people like it over the Japanese one.

    • Reply

      No stretching here. Taxman confirmed this is true widescreen.

  • Reply

    I don’t really see how the canon is being “revised” when we never got concrete word on when Sonic CD took place anyway. It was we as fans who just sort of *assumed* it happened between Sonic 1 & 2. In all honesty, Sega saying that it takes place after S3&K actually makes a lot more sense, what with the perfected Metal Sonic design we see in CD, as opposed to the slower, bulkier models from 2 and S&K.

    • Reply

      Sega isn’t really saying anything either way, just that it is “before Sonic the Hedgehog 4” since they know there are a lot of fans who get really excited about Sonic CD. Like I said before, the whole fact about Metal Sonic being more advanced than Mecha Sonic doesn’t really mean one had to come before the other. People can make different models for different things. E-123 Omega sure looks a lot bulkier than E-102 Gamma, for instance. And there’s the Mecha/Metal Knuckles example I used earlier. Heck, if he perfect robot making techniques in Sonic CD, why does Eggman still make small, breakable robots at all?

      Having Sonic CD take place between Sonic 1 & 2 just makes more sense from a stylistic standpoint, and you could be really fandom-like and say the Little Planet was the inspiration for the Death Egg lolol

  • Reply

    aww why did they edit out the best part of Quartz Quadrant Present? It would’ve even synced up with the title logo well =\

  • Reply

    Actually, the US sound track isn’t terrible as a fact, it is merely terrible in your opinion. I know a few tracks in the US version that I think are miles better than the Japanese ones (see mostly Stardust Speedway) The Japanese sound track has a Super Mario World-esque feel in that the tracks all have a central tune to them that you can hear in almost every track, while the US sound track does have its share of tracks I admit are terrible such as Tidal Tempest it also has the amazing Stardust Speedway tracks and especially the Bad Future track. The rest of the tracks fit the levels decently enough but you’re entitled to your opinion, you just stated it as if it was fact.

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    It still blows my mind that this game can simultaneously exist in real life, yet it’s not emulated. Technically, it might not even be “ported” from the Sega CD source, considering how Taxman demonstrated his POC of PPZ on iPhone many months ago, obviously before he was working with Sega.

    Out of all of the Sonic games they could have chosen to breathe life back into, they couldn’t have made a better decision. Sonic’s back.

  • Reply

    Wow I can’t unhear it now

  • Reply

    Just played it (at Paris Games Week). The engine is pitch perfect. The game is truly in 16/9 indeed, and without any graphic filters – you get the original art with no distortion.

    There was only Palmtree Panic Act 1, and no sound (mute), on an unfinished Xboc 360 build. Loved it.

  • Reply

    I dunno wouldn’t this make more sense to tie into the Sonic Generations story somehow? you know, with the whole time travel thing

  • Reply

    Looks cool. But I rather play the original not the remake.

  • Reply

    why is sonic cd coming for pc if sonic 4 is not up for it.
    don’t they wanna link the games?
    god damn it…

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