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Game News

Sonic Jump Fever Released Today

Sonic Jump Fever has released today for both iOS and Android platforms today. Unlike the previous Sonic Jump game, its a free-to-play endless jumper that also lets you boost stats of your characters and use items and uncover Chao to increase your score by either playing the game or paying for micro transactions.
There has been no word if the original Sonic Jump will see any future updates, however the game largely plays similarly to the previous Jump game with the introduction to Fever mode where your character shoots up for a brief period of time, collecting rings. Level themes rotate daily and has the usual trappings of a freemium title, including playtime that is limited until your energy “recharges” over time, watching free ads or spending red rings.
I’m a little disappointed that the level progression from the last game is absent, and the new features don’t add that much, though the original game is still not free on Android. For those who haven’t played a Sonic Jump game before, its a decent place to start. Albeit you don’t even start as Sonic until you collect character tokens to unlock him along with the others, probably because each character has different attributes. (You start off with Tails, if you were wondering.) Also for people hoping to see a triumphant return to the Chao Garden, the Chao are additional helper items that will disappear if you don’t use them often enough until you earn their loyalty by using them in the main game. This isn’t quite the Chao Garden app we’ve been waiting for.
Its still largely an arcade game, which is ideal for quick play. Why not give it a try and tell us what you think in the comments? You can also check out E3 impressions by Shigs from SEGAbits here.
Download Sonic Jump Fever [iOS] [Android]

Game News, Sega Retro

Phantasy Star Online 2 Geared for Release in US and UK Territories in 2013

You can stop using your Japanese accounts to play some Phantasy Star Online 2 as Sega’s flagship MMO series will hit US and UK territories by 2013. No further information is given regarding the release date, or platforms outside of PC. However Sega has put up a promotional site to gear up would be players for it’s upcoming release. Fan site PSO World was able to break the news on it’s release, and in addition, the official site shows ties with the PSO World community.

Be sure to check out the website for more information. (Or those who are already playing, keep doing that.)

[Source: Phantasy Star Online 2 English Site, PSO World]