Daily Archives

August 14, 2015

Game News

Sonic’s Actual First Home Appearance Discovered By Guru Larry

So it turns out that Sonic appeared in another game aside from Rad Mobile before he’d star in his own game. Youtube personality Guru Larry found out that his first appearance was actually in the incredibly obscure Amiga game The Adventures of Quik & Silva. The game was developed by Factor 5 under the pseudonym New Bits on the Ram, and included lots of copyrighted characters as enemies. One of those enemies being Sonic, which the developers seemingly based on pre-release screenshots.
The game was first released as a cover disc in the UK with issue #5 of Amiga Fun on May 10th, 1991. Almost a month before Sonic the Hedgehog would be released on the Genesis. Be sure to watch Guru Larry’s video about this if you want to know the full details.
Update: Twitter user @UltimateDSman pointed out that TheTetrahedronVG actually made a video about this. And so he did, back in 2011. That being said, Guru Larry does provide a lot more info, making it still worth watching if you already knew about this.

Community, Miscellaneous

Weekend Stream Special: Sonic Adventure 2 Part Deux

So a week has gone by since we streamed the Hero Story of Sonic Adventure 2 – and what a stream it was! Many ups, many downs, and we somehow miraculously managed to start at 20:00 and finish at 22:00 with the credits ending. Exactly two hours!
Whether that will happen again this time is totally up in the air, as we’ll be playing the Dark Story this weekend – and most likely the Final Story, too. Somehow I don’t think Cannon’s Core can carry a stream by itself.
If you want to tune in, chat with some of the staff – and Sam and Spanner – and just spend your Saturday night with some Sonic goodness/badness (14 years on and the jury’s still out on that one), tune in to NovaRetro on Twitch tomorrow at 20:00 BST/15:00 EST/12:00 PST.
See you there!